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  • Starting of my language journey

    Hello, wanted to say that I love all the support that I am getting. Thank you for being here. This post is about the language journey that I want to share. I love learning languages since it's so much fun. I love how we can learn and talk to other people as well. So my language journey started when I was around 12 maybe. I got a book that was a Magic School Bus book and it had Japanese culture that was all interesting. Talking about culture, food, and how to use chopsticks. I learn how to use them with pencils first then chopsticks. I also started watching anime so that helps my language learning too. Then when I was 15, I went into my first language class. This was Spanish 1 and I learn. At first, wasn't my cup of tea but it got interesting and I wanted to learn more. So I kept going to Spanish 3, I stopped after that and left it there. I thought no more but really I wanted to learn. So I did after high school in my free time, I started Japanese. Much later it was Korean, Chinese, then now Arabic. My learning ability in writing, speaking, and fluency is relatively low. It's all new since I go in and out of learning… With low motivation, depression, and busy life, it's hard to do languages and learn. But there are many tips in learning for low motivation, drive, or a busy schedule. I bought some books to try and read from. I heard so many good reviews on them I hope everyone had fun reading this and I might share more about this later. Bye Bye

  • Different triggers that people can have from Anxiety

    (The credits for the images used in the research are by Instagrammers: PositivelyPresent and JustGirlProject) Hello everyone and welcome to another blog. This one, I wanted to start with something I deal with often in the mental illness area. I deal with my anxiety. It's so hard and it shouldn't be taboo to talk about. I want to show the research of what I found and show yall as well. With anxiety or it can look like this: Irritability Obsessive Behaviors Overscheduling or Overworking Overindulgence Dizziness or Numbness Sleepiness or Insomnia Lack of Concentration Avoidance There are also ways that nobody tells you about anxiety. Its worse at night Sometimes it makes us angry and lashes out It's very common- there are 40 million US adults who experience anxiety disorders It can cause physical symptoms- headaches, body aches, digestive issues, etc. It can be exhausting It's unpredictable You always feel guilty or like you have done something wrong Anxiety can look so different that nobody can predict it or know what can happen. Mine looks different so many days that it changes so much. Just remember that you are not alone in this at all. We are here like I am here. I hope everyone enjoy this blog and see you next time, Bye Bye!!!

  • Introduction to my blog

    Hello, all my readers! My name is Brianna and this is my blog. This is hard to right through since I am not much of a writer. But this feels different than what I do. I want to share the journey of mental health, life, side projects, language learning, graphic design, and many others. I want to do this since this is important. Mental health is not always talked and sometimes people say it is taboo like it's bad. Talking about mental health or struggles is not a bad thing and I want to help people that are confused and need help. I am no doctor or advanced study in this but this is the research that I picked up on through different social media platforms. I also want to write about this since journaling is the best way to help with illnesses like anxiety, depression, and many others. I will also write about my dreams, and my feelings in weeks, to other things as well. I want to share that other people are going through the same illnesses and it is okay. It is also okay to ask for help if you need it. While I have you here with me, let me tell you about myself. My name is Brianna or Bree for short. I am 23 years old. I graduated and got my degree in Advertising and Graphic Design. I love to design and create, it has been a passion of mine since I was little. This has been a hobby since I am a self-taught artist. I never fully knew at the time that self-taught artists could do things like a trained artist can. But with help from a best friend, I decided to take the other degree I was getting (Math teacher) and turn it into this degree dream now. It is surprising how I started with that old degree but I was good at math so why not teach it? But that was a rush decision since I saw my friends in college already. I was 6 months from being out of high school in 2018 and I felt like I was the only one not in college. But I learn one thing, never rush for college. Take your time, take the gap year to learn more about yourself if you have to. That gap year, gap months, or even a few weeks will help you decide on your dream career in the long run. I think I summarize myself and why I decided to create this blog in the first place easily. I hope everyone loved reading this and see you next time. Please leave comments to tell me what you think! I love to read your feedback. Bye, Bye!!!

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